What is protein and why do we need it?
Proteins are made up of chemical 'building blocks' called amino acids. Your body uses amino acids to build and repair muscles and bones and to make hormones and enzymes. They are also used as an energy source.
What is hemp protein?
Hemp protein is a complete protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids (EAAs) that the body cannot produce by itself. EAAs are necessary for protein synthesis, muscle growth, wound healing, metabolism support, and mood regulation. Included in the EAAs are branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), leucine, isoleucine, and valine, which are particularly important for muscle-building and recovery. Furthermore, hemp protein is high in arginine, a conditionally essential amino acid required for the synthesis of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a signalling molecule that relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to the muscles. Increased nitric oxide production (arginine in particular) has been shown to improve anaerobic and aerobic performance. Hemp has a protein structure of 65% edestin and 35% albumin, both of which are highly digestible. It contains the perfect ratio of omega fatty acids that have been identified for good health: 3 to 1 ratio of omega 3 to omega 6. Hemp seeds also contain sufficient quantities of zinc, iron, and magnesium. These are three of the most common metals/minerals implicated in mineral deficiency diseases.
How is it produced?
Our hemp protein powder is made from UK grown hemp seed from the variety FINOLA, a short stocky plant chosen by us for its great taste and nutritional profile. We grow on over 200 hectares of prime UK agricultural land.
The seed is harvested in September and once it arrives at our processing facility the seed is cold pressed. The seed cake (the by-product of pressing for oil) is milled to 200 microns immediately and sealed into packaging ranging from 800kg to 500g to keep it fresh. It is great tasting, non-gritty and perfect for blending into smoothies or adding to yogurt, breakfast cereals etc. This 50% protein powder is an excellent source of plant protein: 100% raw and 100% natural.
How does hemp protein compare to other proteins?
It is important to take into consideration that much of the soya grown today is GMO. Soya is mostly shipped from Brazil and is often grown in land that used to be rain forest. Most soya protein is heated during production, which kills the protein’s ability to act as enzymes, the ‘functional proteins’ that speed up the rate of biochemical reaction in your body. Soya has been associated with various digestive disturbances, bloating and in some cases allergies. Soya has also been associated with hormonal disturbances due to the content of phytoestrogens.
People who have an allergy to milk can also be allergic to whey and this can cause stomach pains, cramps, bloating, nausea and fatigue. Higher amounts of whey protein taken consistently have also shown to be the root cause of acne – although this could be down to the artificial sweeteners, flavourings and preservatives that are used to make whey protein taste better.
Why should we use it?
Our hemp protein is sustainable, organically grown, sequesters more carbon per hectare than the rainforest, is produced and processed in the UK. It has less chance of causing an allergic response, is easier on our digestion, has better levels of healthy fats and is a complete protein source with excellent bioavailability. Hemp protein powder also provides a healthy dose of dietary fibre (17%), which helps regulate blood glucose. So you’re much less likely to experience energy crashes and aren’t as likely to crave sugar to fill the void.
Finally, a quick word on behalf of the planet - hemp takes far fewer resources to produce than whey protein, even though it is considered a byproduct of multiple industries. If you are considering switching to a protein powder that is more environmentally sound and uses less space, water and energy to produce, then hemp protein is the way forward.
Who should use it?
Hemp protein powder stands out as a top-tier vegan protein powder boasting a rich blend of minerals, healthy fats, fibre and antioxidants. Our high-quality hemp protein powder will appeal to those who value a plant-based, nutrient-rich and sustainable diet, want to build or repair muscle and bone density and see an overall improvement in health.
How much should we use?
Use as much as you want to contribute to your general protein intake. A 20g portion of our protein 50 will provide 10g of protein. The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for protein for adults is 0.75g protein per kg bodyweight per day.
Why should we buy it from UK Hemp/BHC
Support British farmers and producers!
5 reasons to use British Hemp Protein 50
1: Digestibility.
In general, animal proteins are more easily digested than plant proteins, but research shows that 91–98% of the protein in milled hemp seed is digestible. This means that your body can use almost all of the amino acids in hemp protein powder for important bodily functions, such as repair and maintenance.
2: Fibre content.
Our 50% hemp protein contains 17% insoluble fibre. Most of us need to eat more fibre and have fewer added sugars in our diet. Eating plenty of fibre is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.
There is strong evidence that eating plenty of fibre (commonly referred to as roughage) is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer. (NHS) https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/digestive-health/how-to-get-more-fibre-into-your-diet/
Not eating enough fibre can cause constipation, diverticular disease and haemorrhoids. (NHS) https://www.yorkhospitals.nhs.uk/seecmsfile/?id=189
3: UK Grown.
UK Hemp runs a programme of supporting UK farmers – we never use cheap imported seed or products.
4: Organically grown.
Hemp requires no pesticides or herbicides to grow here in the UK. We do test for pesticides and glysophate though just to be on the safe side. Records are available for inspection.
5: It may help to prevent cardiovascular disease.
Hemp protein powder is rich in omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats, which protect the heart and help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
These essential fatty acids also help to maintain brain function.
Because our hemp protein powder is around 6% fatty acids by eight, it's not considered a pure protein supplement like milk-based protein powders. Most whey protein will have little fat and no dietary fibre.
Hemp protein powder also contains magnesium which supports muscle function (your heart is a muscle). Magnesium deficiency can increase your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
6: Sustainability.
Hemp production is one of the world's most sustainable industries, and the applications for hemp are growing daily. The National Industrial Hemp Council of America estimates that hemp can make more than 25,000 products.
Every part of the plant can be used: the stalk for textiles and paper, the pulp from the leaves for building materials, the seeds for seed oils used in foods, industrial products, and personal hygiene products, and the seeds for eating.
"Eco-conscious individuals may benefit from consuming hemp protein over whey protein given that hemp protein is a plant source which uses less natural resources, including needing significantly less water to grow.
Among the many sustainability benefits of hemp, the plant is effective at removing carbon dioxide from the environment, preventing soil erosion, and contributing to biodiversity.