FINOLA C1 seed available for 2025 season, please call 01985 846015 for a quote or email Please book your seed early as the demand for FINOLA is extremely high.
FINOLA is the shortest and fastest maturing hemp plant variety. It was created in 1995, registered in 1999 and finally admitted to the European Common Catalogue in 2003. It was already admitted to the Canadian List of Approved Hemp Cultivars in 1998. The flowering typically begins 25 to 30 days after sowing, with male flowers being the easiest to identify at first. It was the first registered hemp variety to have the auto flowering trait. The seed is relatively small, with a thousand seed weight (tsw) of approximately 11-13 g/tsw, and a low THC content of 0.1-0.2% at maturity. A significant benefit is the comparatively low height of this crop, enabling easy harvesting with standard grain combines. Realistic seed yields of 1.5 to 2 metric tonnes per hectare can be achieved under good growing conditions and with sufficient fertilisation. This early maturing variety is suitable for central and higher latitudes in Europe, Canada and northern US states. It is not often recommended for latitudes below 35 N.